- “Sandy” is now Emma (Amistosa’s Sonnets of a Sorcerer) and is the newest member of the MacDougall family
- “Frenchy” is now Reba (Amistosa’s I’m A Survivor) and has an extra special friend in Christopher and the rest of his family
- “Marty” is now Lexie Bell (Amistosa’s Pipers Play Lexie Belle) and is loved by her new mom Mary
- “Danny” is now Stanley (Amistosa’s Did I Stutter) and has Taylor and Nick to love him
- “Rizzo” is now Malla (Amistosa’s Malla Force Be With You) and is the newest member of the Feher family in Waterloo – fun fact, Malla was born on the Feher’s wedding day which is pretty special ❤